If you know Jeremy & I then you know that we like to come up with movie ideas. Almost all of which could star Will Farrell.
Our latest, not only could make an amazing Oscar worthy movie but also paved the way for one of Jeremy's best 'play on words' to date.
A charismatic, yet scheming politician is campaigning to be the next President. A major part of his campaign is that he promises to bring the US Postal Service back to what it once was. He gets the support of the postal workers and the rest of the country and wins the race. A year into his term a scandal ensues and he is impeached. With his name synonomis with scum and no retirement checks from the government he is forced to find a 'job'. Disguised as an 'average joe' a manager of a post office hires him on as a postman. It turns out he is REALLy good at this job, he knows everyone on his route by name, 'hey Jim, how's the wife, is Bobby still on honor roll' type of stuff. Everyone on his route loves him, not knowing his true identity. He loves his job. One of the families on his route has a sick child and is in need of money to help with 'an operation' so he puts an ad up on the bulletin board in his post office and takes out an ad in the local paper: Send a dollar to 123 ABC Street and help a sick child. The neighborhood responds, the whole thing goes viral. People are mailing dollars to this family from all across the country. The child has the operation and is healthier than ever. Everyone is happy. The Postal Service begins crunching numbers. A huge increase in stamp sales puts the Postal Service back in the green and they realize...it was from everyone mailing dollars to the sick child, an idea brought about by the 'post man/disguised ex-president'. The president, feeling a sense of purpose in life decides to come forward as the ex-president, but continues his job as a post man. The nation once again loves him.
All right, so what's the title of this movie.
Imagine if you will, me on the couch, it's late, the lights are off. I ask Jeremy what's the title? As he slips off into the dark hallway, without missing a beat he says...
Jeremy: Post-Presidency
Effiing GENIUS.